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Smith Last Name Origin & Family History

Smith Last Name Meaning

Smith is an occupational surname originating in England. It is the most prevalent surname in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, and the fifth most common surname in the Republic of Ireland. In the United States, the surname Smith is particularly prevalent among those of English, Scottish, and Irish descent, but is also a common surname among African-Americans, which can be attributed either to African slaves having been given the surname of their masters, or to being an occupational name, as some southern African-Americans took this surname to reflect their or their father's trade. 2,442,977 Americans shared the surname Smith at the time of the 2010 census, and more than 500,000 people shared it in the United Kingdom as of 2006. At the turn of the 20th century, the surname was sufficiently prevalent in England to have prompted the statement: "Common to every village in England, north, south, east, and west"; and sufficiently common on the (European) continent (in various forms) to be "common in most countries of Europe".

Genealogy Records Found for Smith

  • {{Number(collectionResults).toLocaleString()}} {{key | capitalize}} records: including births, marriages, deaths and much more. View {{Number(collectionResults).toLocaleString()}} {{key | capitalize}} (includes recent and historical) View {{Number(collectionResults).toLocaleString()}} U.S. {{key | capitalize}} Records View {{Number(collectionResults).toLocaleString()}} Social Security Records View

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Where is the Smith family from ?

You can see how Smith families moved over time by selecting different census years. The Smith family name was found in the USA between {{Object.keys(lastNameData.where)[0]}} and {{Object.keys(lastNameData.where)[Object.keys(lastNameData.where).length -1]}}. The most Smith families were found in the USA in 1920. In 1920 there were 32,984 Smith families living in New York. This was about 13% of all the recorded Smith Families in the USA. New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio had the highest poulation of Smith families. Use census records to see where families with the Smith surname lived. Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations.

Smith Family Occupation

What did your Smith ancestors do for a living ?

Census records can tell you a lot about your Smith ancestors.

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Smith Historical Records & Stories from GenealogyBank

What Smith family records will you find?

Census Records

There are {{Number(lastNameData.records['census']).toLocaleString()}} census records for the Smith in the U.S. Census. Census records can tell you where and how your ancestor worked, level of education, where your ancestor lived, veteran status and much more.

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There are {{Number(lastNameData.records['newspapers']).toLocaleString()}} newspaper records available for Smith. Newspapers provide a look at the day-to-day lives of your Smith ancestors. Discover births, marriages, passenger lists, sporting articles and much more. Find untold stories of your Smith ancestors.
95% of the newspapers are exclusive to GenealogyBank.

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Search over 255 Million obituaries and death records dating back to 1690, the largest collection online.

Smith Life Expectancy

What is the average life span for Smith family?

Between {{Object.keys([0]}} and {{Object.keys([Object.keys( - 1]}}, in the United States, Smith life expectancy was at its lowest point in {{Math.min.apply(Math,Object.keys(}}, and highest in {{Math.max.apply(Math,Object.keys(}}. The average life expectancy for Smith in {{Object.keys(lastNameData.lifespan.population)[0]}} was {{Object.values(lastNameData.lifespan.population)[0]}}, and {{Object.keys(lastNameData.lifespan.population)[Object.keys(lastNameData.lifespan.population).length -1]}} was {{Object.values(lastNameData.lifespan.population)[Object.values(lastNameData.lifespan.population).length - 1]}}.


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    As seen on:
  • The Wall Street JournalWall Street Journal
  • The Huffington PostThe Huffinton Post
  • Family Tree MagazineFamily Tree Magazine
  • CBS Newscbs