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Start Free Trial NowTitle: Baha'is Louis Gregory, Fazel Mazandarani, William Randal, Rev. Richard Bolden…
active William H. Hermann Col commit Will E. Frank Elihu Albert chairman monu Washington esv park to minds well. of of to the ideals. men touched They Ake- Hage- Me- McGraw; Sev Siilli- Henry Jr. the trib servant me who it.’’ the saw Bul- pur- seen trail before recited. by John Perkins, gave memo-; trustees of will are: Al W. nian - John Dr. Garfield. P. Her- Harmon. T. TI. Hiram B. Mrs. Lane Cabot Me- McGraw. W. 'Mrs. Robins. Mrs. Sinclair, Stim- Straus,j Boyce j Al-j Wright,] Leonard j Many and GROWING INTEREST ^IN bAhai Movement Abdul. Baha. the venerable and majestic figure who from his home, on Mount Carmel directs the move ment toward the religious unity . of the world, is pleased with the activ ities of his friends, a circle which ever widens. "Think of the world,” he teaches, “as the body of. a man sick and infirm from various dis-> eases.- Among* these diseases are re ligious, racial and patriotic preju dices. ' All these disease's must be healed before the patient can recover and human unity be established.” The Bahai universal, principles, foremost among which are the inde pendent investigation of truth and the oneness of the _ world of human ity, are making an irresistible appeal to all. classes of people. Mr. William H. Randall, of Bos ton, prominent in the world of busi ness and also a Bahai teacher, re cently accompanied 'Jcniba Fazel Manzandarani on the Chautauqua circuit. He reports that at Chautau qua, Roycroft and a few other places the great message reached about fif teen thousand souls. So great were the interest and enthusiasm of the crowds that the speaker's were al most run down in the eagerness of the crowds to get the free literature. During the fall and winter Mirza Fa ze! will tour the Western and South ern States. One of the most notable successes of the cause is in Harlem, where an entire church has become Bahai. At a recent, meeting the pastor. Rev. Mr.- Bolden, declared himself a Bahai. He said he had studied the Bahai cause and it had not made him less loyal to Christ; but he had discovered that this was a new Sun arisen in the ho rizon of . truth. His address con tained the fiery eloquence of divine iQv’e. At this meeting a Jew presid ed., speaking with great power, show ing how the Bahai cause was making Jews. Christians and Moslems love each other, and how the racial preju-. each of whom beautifully expressed were a Hindoo, a South American, a Frenchman, a Negro and a woman, each, of whom beautifully sxpressed the Bahai ideals of unity* and broth erhood.. It is difficult to imagine such a medley of singers outside of a Bahai meeting: , Their song, was the universal melody of the kingdom. The whole audience seemed inspired, and the presence of the. Spirit, was proved by the joy and illumination of eVery heart.' It' was,, indeed, a heavenly feast. Such is the effect of the revelation of His Holiness Baha’- o’llah and such the power of the cen ter of- the covenant of God. .Abdul Baba. t The Bahais in every part of the world are making great sacrifices to make known the truth. Inspiring re ports come froTm every direction of. the activities of the friends and the progress of the cause. A recent let ter was addressed. to Abdul Baba from Louisville, Ky. It urged him to visit Louisville and bore many sig natures, representing every class v of people, from the multimillionaire to the day laborer. Miss Martha .Root, formerly / the ; society editor of the Pittsburgh Post, has carried the mes sage to all the countries of South America. But perhaps the greatest impetus; is the Mashrek ol Azkar. or Bahai Temple, soon to be erected in Chicago! - This is , the . universal house of worship, where aN -races and religions will meet. The erection bids fair to revolutionize religious, worship throughout, “Arise, shine, for thy Baha (Light) has conie and Baha’o’llah (the glory of God) has ri§en upon thee!” Thousands nook i are session vention. ward 111. when
Clipped 2 years ago
- Washington Bee
- Washington (DC), District of Columbia
- Sep, 18 1920 - Page 7