Family Facts You'll Find in Census Records:
- Names - of each person living in the house.
- Location
- Household Data - Number of people and if the house is rented, owned or a farm.
- Relation - of the responder to the head of the household
- Personal Description - Sex, race, age at last birthday, marital status
- Education
- Place of Birth - noted both US & foreign locations
- Distinguished Canada-French vs. Canada-English and Irish Free State (Eire) vs. Northern Ireland.
- Citizenship - Citizenship (if not US)
- Residence
- Employment Status
- Occupation, Industry, & Class of Worker
- Income
You’ll Also Discover
- Place of Birth of Father & Mother
- Mother Tongue (or Native Language)
- Veterans & War/Military Service
- Social Security
- Usual Occupation, Industry, and Class of Worker
- Married Women