Your family has a story, a history, roots. New beginnings and discoveries carved the path which led to where you are today. GenealogyBank combines billions of historical records and over 330 years of historical newspapers to help you discover not only the names and dates but the life stories of your family.
What We Do
GenealogyBank digitizes, indexes and archives billions of family history records found in newspapers, census records, government documents and other historical records in all 50 states. Individuals interested in their family history can conveniently search and discover census records, obituaries, birth, marriage, death notices and much more.
Why GenealogyBank?
GenealogyBank, is a division of NewsBank, inc., a premier information provider for more than 45 years. GenealogyBank provides only information from trusted sources, ensuring credible search results. GenealogyBank’s content is derived via publishing partnerships with leading news providers nationwide. View Newspaper Titles

GenealogyBank features over 15,000 newspapers with deep back files to help you uncover family information from local and national newspapers 1690-Today.
Newspapers are added to your membership every month—there are always millions of new genealogy records to help you along the journey of discovering your ancestors.
The majority of GenealogyBank’s newspapers are unavailable elsewhere, providing unmatched opportunities for discovery.
Only GenealogyBank brings together historical newspaper archive, census records and other helpful government documents in one easy to search interface providing a unique view of the past to better help you understand not only the names and dates but also your ancestors’ story.
Our customers have trusted us with personal information for decades. We’re committed to helping ensure you feel secure. Visit our privacy center to learn more about how we protect your privacy.
5 Star Customer Service
Our fabulous customer service is delivered by our Customer Loyalty Team on the front lines, sincerely engaging with customers via phone, chat and email Monday-Friday 7am-6pm MST.