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Anchorage Daily News
Anchorage, Alaska

Clipped 15 days ago

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Slim Williams
Wrangell sentinel
Wrangell, Alaska

Clipped 27 days ago

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Death Notice for Harry B. Gable, 75
Anchorage Daily News
Anchorage, Alaska

Clipped 1 month ago

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Obituary for Harry B. Gable, 75
Anchorage Daily News
Anchorage, Alaska

Clipped 1 month ago

Find Your Family History in Alaska Newspaper Archives

Were your family members one of the original 250 soldiers that lived in Sitka, the only settlement in the Alaskan territory? Or did they join the thousands of prospectors during the Yukon Gold Rush in 1910? Search the stories preserved in Alaska newspaper archives to trace your family history.

Alaska Newspaper Archives McKinley National Park

Alaska Genealogy in Newspaper Archives

Newspaper archives are valuable tools for tracing Alaska genealogy. Find obituaries, marriage and birth announcements, classifieds, and local interest stories dating back to 1891. Discover the details behind the names on your family tree and learn about the daily lives of your ancestors living or working in Alaska. Were fishermen, loggers, miners, or adventurers who set out to explore the Last Frontier. Did they survive the 1964, 9.2 Good Friday Earthquake, the second largest in history? Were they there in 1968 when oil was discovered in Prudhoe Bay? Learn more about these events and how they impacted your ancestor’s lives through the articles preserved in newspaper archives.