Idaho Newspaper Obituaries (1893 - Current)
Enter your ancestor's name below and we'll search obituaries to help you learn more.
Recent Newspaper Clippings
- Albert Calkins dies 1910
- Lewiston Morning tribune, 18 Jul 1910
- Lewiston Tribune
- Lewiston, Idaho
- July 18, 1910 - Page 4

Clipped 11 months ago
- Died - Charles H. Sherman (not mine)
- Funeral services will be conducted today at Plymouth, burial to be in that city where Mrs. Sherman is at rest.
- Lewiston Tribune
- Lewiston, Idaho
- March 21, 1930 - Page 12

Clipped 11 months ago
- Died - Mrs. Charles H. Sherman (not mine)
- Card of thanks.
- Lewiston Tribune
- Lewiston, Idaho
- August 20, 1925 - Page 12

Clipped 11 months ago
- Died - Mrs. John Sherman
- She was born here and died here.
- Lewiston Tribune
- Lewiston, Idaho
- June 5, 1900 - Page 1

Clipped 11 months ago
Explore Your Roots with Idaho Online Obituaries
The Idaho Online Obituary archives are a valuable resource for uncovering the Idaho ancestors you didn’t know you had.
In the past, obituaries were printed in regional and state newspapers, making searches time-consuming. Now, this online resource streamlines the process, making it easy to access the information you need.
Why Explore Local Obituaries in the Idaho Online Obituaries?
- Discover new branches of your family tree.
- Connect with family members you haven’t met.
- Learn the stories of your ancestors.
- Access nearly 150 years of local history.
Interestingly, 95% of the records on GenealogyBank can’t be found anywhere else online.
How to Search Idaho Online Obituary Archives
Start by entering your relative’s last name and clicking the "Search" button. This is a great first step in learning more about your family history.
For a more detailed search, follow these steps:
- Step 1: Enter your relative’s first and last names. Adding a middle name can narrow your results.
- Step 2: Add keywords like a town or school to make your search more specific.
- Step 3: Exclude certain words to filter out unrelated results.
- Step 4: Set a range of years to help with common names.
- Step 5: Sort the results by best matches, newest, or oldest entries.
Here are some strategies to help you find the right information:
- Start with recent ancestors and work your way back.
- Search by initials, as older obituaries often used initials instead of full names.
- For female relatives, try searching under their married name.
- Consider common misspellings, as names weren’t always spelled correctly in older records.
Other Useful Collections to Explore:
- U.S. newspaper archives
- Birth and marriage records
- Passenger lists
- Government publications
- Social Security Death Index
- Cultural heritage archives for various ethnic groups
Start your search with GenealogyBank to trace your family history further than ever before. For more tips, visit the GenealogyBank Learning Center.